Saturday, January 8, 2011

Soapboxx: YouTube

YouTube is just like MTV.
And I don't mean in a good way. There was a time when Music Television played music (shocking I know). Now, it isn't that I particularly hate MTV's content right now. But sometimes I just miss the old days when I could turn it on and dance around the room to the latest Michael Jackson song.
YouTube is similar. I started watching YouTube when it was mostly obnoxious teenage boys with skateboards doing ridiculous stunts and getting injured. Since then it has blossomed. I mean now you can learn to do anything on YouTube, including surgery ( I know right? That's just wrong). YouTube is everywhere. On our TV, in the news, and on our cellphones. And I have benefitted, I learned to knit, apply make-up and of course I watch Ray William Johnson on Equals 3. With all that though, YouTube has lost a lot of what made it great. You can't click on anything with out a huge advertisement attacking you. Half of the people posting things are getting paid. Its just not real anymore. I understant that YouTube is a company, and they want to make money, but they seem to forget sometimes about what made them so famous in the first place. 

Okay there. That's my little spiel on evil cooperations and "the man" and capitalism. Hippie moment over.

All the ads and stuff are to be expected. But what really irritates me is how the people on YouTube act. It's turned into cyber-bully central. You might remember me talking about Michelle Phan and her make-up tutorials and Wendy the blogger from Singapore. So I'm not saying that I agree with everything they do, but if you go to their video together its just ridiculous. Sooo many people have dedicated their time to talking about how ugly they are or their voices or picking apart everything they say! It's like oh my god do you not have anything better to do than hate on two girls you've never met because you don't like their choice of eyeliner?? Seriously? And on top of that people are vicious to other commenters! There's seriously like all out name-calling wars on there. It's so stupid!

People if you have nothing better to do than verbally assault someone on YouTube you need to find a life!

Wow. That was longer than expected. Sorry guys I'll stop ranting and get off my soapbox now


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