Saturday, January 29, 2011

Dee Hates: Skins

Yes, I have to admit I was excited for MTV's new show Skins. Quit judging me. I just love British shows! Yes, in case you didn't know Skins was a very popular show in the U.K. So when it came to America I though "Ooo this will be like the Office!"  ( another originally British show)

I was wrong.

I mean let's be real. This is MTV, so my expectations weren't high at all. But they managed to end all my hope for mankind.

My main issue with Skins was I wasn't sure if they were serious or not--was that supposed to be what teenagers are like in real life?

Because I don't know what school you went to...but at mine that stuff just doesn't happen. People don't party like that, nor do they deal with all this "we must take his virginity" nonsense. And people don't just sleep with other people because some guy says so, no matter how charismatic. Girls just aren't that dramatic and damaged, at least out loud. And where I'm from random ugly guys don't hang out with the hottest guy in school, oh and redheads are NOT a hot commodity. Also cheerleaders don't practice with Bluetooths.

Everybody loves redheads??
And of course if they weren't serious then they've successfully become apart of the problem. When teenagers see other teenagers behaving that way they want to imitate them. Because believe it or not to some kids the Skins people look like they are having a good time, living an enviable life. Sure stuff goes wrong, but they're making memories and being young. And so maybe doing drug deals with crazy old men (or doing drug deals at all) isn't what we should put on TV.

I never thought I'd say I miss Jersey Shore but I do. Because at least there it is well known that the "Guidos"  are over 21, suffer consequences sometimes and don't (on camera at least) use drugs. But on Skins all that goes out the window.

On a side is that allowed on TV at all? Seriously? This is basic cable.  I thought I was watching HBO.

Nice try MTV. No really, I'm sure you've addicted thousands of viewers to your mindless teenage-pseudo-soap opera-"real life"-teens behaving badly-psycho babble. But if you ask me, you should stick to music.

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