Thursday, January 6, 2011

Misc. Top 5 Most Majestic Voices in Hollywood

Sometimes in Hollywood a person can have no talent and make it as long as they are pretty ( Megan Fox). Sometimes a person can be hideous but the best actor ever and make it ( Maggie Gyllenhaal).
  But for some men, all you need is a really majestic voice.

#5 The Allstate Man ( Dennis Haybert)

This is some inspired marketing. Insurance is for safety, safety come from confidence, confidence comes from having someone to trust, and who doesn't trust a majestic voiced black guy? Exactly. I'm not the least bit ashamed to admit I switched to Allstate after this commercial. Don't pretend like you didn't too.

#4 Ian McKellen ( Gandalf) 

I mean that face says it all. I don't know why but something about a British accent and a beard just makes for the most sagely person ever. If that voice told me to walk down the street naked I probably would. How Frodo ever sassed that amazing baritone I'll never know.   




#3 Patrick Stewart ( Wheelchair Guy From X-Men) 

Yet another British guy with swag. Now some of you might have never seen him walk and honestly, I'm not sure you could handle it. Baldness is frowned upon in some societies, but I truly believe that Pat is bringing it back. Shiny head+British accent+Mustache+Glasses= Candidate for the Worlds Most Interesting Man. 

#2 Morgan Freeman ( The Black Guy in The Dark Knight) 

You knew this was coming. I mean come on, the man literally played God, pretty big shoes to fill. Question: How many of you care about the breeding cycle of a penguin? Answer: Few. Question: How many of you saw March of the Penguins? Answer: Many. Guess why? And it has nothing to do with penguins. On a side note please do not confuse Morgan Freeman with South African president Nelson Mandela.

#1 James Earl Jones ( Mufasa) 

And now the Gran-daddy of all majestic voices. James Earl Jones. And don't let the smile fool you. You are looking at the voice of pure evil. Darth Vader, striking fear into the hearts of children for generations. Yet that same voice made grown men cry in The Lion King. Not only does he have the voice, but with a three-part name like James Earl Jones this man is bona fide and certified B.A.

Not everyone could make it, here are some honorable mentions: 
Richard Harris ( Dumbledoor in the first Harry Potters)
Robert Mitchum ( Beef. It's what's for dinner.)
Lawrence Fishburne ( You are the one, Neo.)
Sean Connery ( Shaken, not stirred.)

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