Monday, November 22, 2010

The First Post

It all started with the BoobTube. And by "BoobTube" I mean YouTube. I was surfing around watching make-up tutorials by Michelle Phan who is apparently the most famous YouTuber ever or something. Her tutorial was on Disney Princess Halloween make-up--the awkward part is I was watching after Halloween and I have no intention of dressing up as Ariel next year. So why was I watching? She uses all these ridiculous methods and it looks like it would take forever to do, yet I find myself watching all her videos. Why?. So anyway back to the point Michelle had a guest named Wendy, or maybe Wendi but the spelling is irrelevant. Wendy/Wendi is the top blogger in Singapore and Michelle kept plugging her blog so I went to the thing because obviously make-up gurus have some sort of mind control powers. While reading her blog I couldn't help thinking--wow I could write something much more exciting than this nonsense. And we've come full circle. Maybe no on will read this, maybe everyone will and I'll be famous, who knows? In any case The Daily Candy will have a million different types of posts.
Dee Luvs will be, you guessed it, things I like.
Dee Hates will be Dee Luvs' evil twin.
Soapboxx will be me being sassy and telling you what I think about a subject
Dee Says will just be general things on my mind.
Dear____ will be me writing a letter to a person/place or thing--a noun in general really.
Here we go!

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