Saturday, December 18, 2010

Celeb Talk: Kardashian Christmas Card.

So I'm adding a new type of post called Celeb Talk. Mostly because I saw this outrageous photo of the Kardashian family. First I can't lie... I watch the Kardashians. Yeah I'm embarrassed but we all have guilty pleasures so stop judging me. Now just because I watch doesn't mean that I think anyone should be famous for having a big butt or doing a sex tape. And I know I'm just feeding into the evil Kardashian fame machine by bothering to comment. That being said I couldn't sit by and not comment on this disturbing image. View discretion is advised.

I'm going to start with the obvious. Your probably asking "why is Kourtney dresses like a man?" Well kids that's an excellent question. One I'm not sure how to answer. Lets look at the facts:
Kourtney ( also how obnoxious is it that Kris loved her name with a "K" so much she decided to brand her  children?) Clearly isn't the brightest bulb in the tanning bed. Shes dating a guy who among other things:
  • has clear anger management issues, 
  •  punches walls and stuff money down innocent bar-tenders throats.
    •  has regularly said degrading and rude comments to/about her family, particularly her sister.
    •   to top it all off: dresses like Fred from Scooby-Doo. 
    So her judgment is suspect-at best.

    Now Kris has raised six lovely children who:
    Have sex tapes
    Have been arrested for DUI
    Have anger issues
    Are in relationships with sociopaths
    Marry after knowing a person for a month
    With that track record you'd think now was the time to reevaluate your parenting style. But not Kris, shes sticking to her guns.
    You might have noticed the girl to the left of Kim ( you know, who's dressed as a lounge singer?). That would be her 13 year old sister. Now I ask you, what's wrong with this child's parents? What was her father thinking when she left the house ready for a saloon? 13 people! she's in the 7th grade! is that how a 7th grader should dress? You might say no but apparently the Kardashians grow up fast, Consider this picture:
    It's 10PM, do you know where your 14 year old is?
    It's like they just don't learn their lesson. This could easily be in Victoria Secret. This one is 14! Not even in high school! Now from what I've seen in the show the little ones are not as bad as their sisters, but judging from this picture I could be wrong.

    Kris, look at your life, look at your choices. It seems you've created another monster.
    Good luck.

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