Friday, December 17, 2010

Dee Says: Last Minute Christmas Gifts!!

Okay, time is of the essence.
I'm posting this 8 days before Christmas and if you are still have no idea what your getting everyone, you're probably freaking out. Well have no fear. I've come to save the day. 
So I already posted about some homemade gifts which are groovy, but right now I'm going to talk about some things you can buy because hey, maybe you just don't have time. So here we go:
Disclaimer: I'm not saying that everything here is at the lowest price, nor an I assuring you that it will arrive in time or saying that it's guaranteed in stock. I'm not Google.
For Mom and Dad:
I don't know your Ma and Pa, obviously right? or that'd be creepy, so I just tried to think of some things that are great for any parents:
$29.99 at Best Buy
Digital Photo Frame- these are a great family gift, we all know how sentimental parents can be, make it extra special and set it up for them ( we can't all be tech savvy). This one is from Best Buy, but they are everywhere

So I can't lie the Photo Frame market is pretty saturated, so maybe your parents already have one, a more original gift is a dance class, something romantic like salsa. Go to your local dance studio and buy a private session or maybe pay for some group lessons. This is a kinda cute idea and very romantic (if your parents are into that sorta thing) also consider his and her spa packages or a night in a nice hotel.

If all else fails you can't go wrong at! They have a feature where you can search by the persons age, occasion or your price range--super convenient. Also try, if your into the customized gift thing.

For the Kiddies: 
So this really depends on the ages of the kids that your shopping for but I'll try to do some stuff for each age group
This is a baby Mac.
Educational: If your into educational toys like myself ( I'm not sure if it actually works, but it makes me feel just a little better about buying a bunch of toys I know will end up at Goodwill in a year) then you can't go wrong with LeapFrog. Seriously, these toys are amazing, they can do so many cool things, basically Leapfrog goes to Best Buy, looks at all the grown-up toys and makes a mini version with Disney characters.
Just like the stuff at Best Buy however, it's pretty pricey. This bad-boy will cost you $50, not including all the games you have to buy.
Crafty: These are the gifts I like best, gifts that are a fun activity for you and your child/grandkid or whoever you know to do together.
Now we can all be Martha (sans jail).
The first stop for these gifts is Micheal's, they have all these amazing kits of things to do and make and they are all pretty cheap. One of the coolest things I've seen around is this lovely little kit from Martha Stewart. I bought mine at Macy's and it was $19.99   

Other: I cringe to say it but if you want a gift they'll love, video games are usually pretty solid. Then again if you'd like to be out of the box then you can always go with a classic board game ( what happened to the board game? they are so underrated!)
Fool proof gift: Find out their favorite character or TV show and buy something with that person on it--Viola! They are sure to love it. But for goodness sakes if they say Hannah Montana don't do it!

For Everyone Else:
Gift Cards! Okay, I know it sounds lame. But I don't mean just a gift card to McDonald's. Get them a gift card to somewhere they really love. A new couple might like on for World Market or Bed Bath and Beyond. Trendsetters might like or H&M or Saks. Think of places like Starbucks, a local vineyard, Williams-Sonoma. Up the ante by getting it to somewhere unique.

Well that's all folks. There are also some groovy ideas in my Black Friday post.
Good luck and happy shopping.

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